American Legion Birthday Hobs Fundraiser

Funds raised will be used to support the American Legion’s projects and initiatives, including, but not limited to, the emergency assistance & disaster relief fund, the scholarship fund, the moral, welfare and recreation fund (ship reception fund), and the the mental health clinic project and related initiatives the Legion is working on together with Hobs. A portion of the funds will also be used to help Reframing Mexico A.C. update its charter, add a DBA (Friends of Banderas Bay Post 12), and obtain donatario status.


April 05, 2024 at 12:00pm - 3pm
La Cappella
Calle Miramar 363 B
Puerto Vallarta, JAL 48300
Google map and directions
Jessee Cole Rivera ·

Will you come?

$2,500.00 Diamond
Includes: 16 tickets, permission to promote at the event, 8 complimentary raffle tickets, and a complimentary full page ad in the Spring and Fall Edition of The Vallarta Legionnaire print magazine
$1,000.00 Gold
Includes: 8 tickets, permission to promote at the event, 4 complimentary raffle tickets, and a complimentary full page ad in the Spring Edition of The Vallarta Legionnaire print magazine
$500.00 Silver
Includes: 6 tickets, permission to promote at the event, 3 complimentary raffle tickets, and a complimentary medium square sized ad in the Spring Edition of The Vallarta Legionnaire print magazine
$250.00 Bronze
Includes: 4 tickets, permission to promote at the event, 2 complimentary raffle ticket, and a complimentary small square sized ad in Spring Edition of The Vallarta Legionnaire print magazine
$100.00 Couples Ticket
2 tickets for brunch and 1 ticket for raffle
$75.00 Individual Ticket
Individual Ticket for Brunch and Raffle Ticket
Amazon Smile
Combined Federal Campaign Member